Sunday, May 22, 2011


Hello Everyone. This is Mayumi.A from the EC1 Wed1 class. I'm writing to recommend everyone to read the book,THE PINK PANTHER 2. It was written by FLET Furerengu. It is pablished by Mary Glasgow Magazines in 2009. It is a level 1 book and has 4,180 words.

In this story,`THE PINK PANTHER 2` desagnate a jewel, but recently in Japan, it is well known to a panther character which has pink furs. So, I think there are many people who knows it.
This book is a summary of a movie. `THE PINK PANTHER 2` is a story which a funny and clever detective is active. And he has excellent canpany in each field. Also a Jpanese man is one of the member. You can read it with chuckle, love, and tension because this story has various faces. Who is a mysterious thief? Please check yourself by reading.

And its website is fantastic! It has nice melody and many pictures, also you can play game on the website. I don't only recommend reading the book, but also recommend checking the website. If you are fascineted, plese click here.
Now, enjoy `THE PINK PANTHER 2`. Thank you for your reading my introduce.

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